Friday, January 29, 2010

Cynicism on Facebook

A diagnosis from your resident cynic:

When you're bored doing homework, nothing is more entertaining than browsing Facebook pictures and comments, reading strangers' wall-to-walls trying to discern the nature of their relationship, or enjoying the myriad of groups and fan pages that cater to all walks of life and senses of humor. However, I find absolutely nothing more entertaining than reading statuses.

Forget the cafeteria or water cooler gossip; Status updates are where it's at if you want to know what's shakin'. Hear the latest on So-And-So's break up, or how awesome Suzie Q.'s day was, or see if you've missed something "life-altering" on T.V. (Without status-stalking, I never would have knwon about Kanye's cruel and hearless interruption of T-Swift. Digusting.)

But wait--the best ifs yet to come. The most highly entertaining facet of Facebook is to read the countless statuses posted by the people who never even speak like that--those statuses that are so clearly out of character for their masters that you just know the writers have discovered the truth about Facebook:

You can be whoever you want to be. *

*Disclaimer: The illusion created by your electronic persona may not be "bought" by anyone who actually knows you. However, considering the small perctage of Facebook "friends" we actually know, most users will not experience this side effect.

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